we've been off gallivanting.
Five points if you can identify this location.
...attempts at pithy remarks along the way
Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements.Fantastic Forrest - fun-loving me
~ Queen Elizabeth II
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."
Created by Train Horns
For some reason I thought it was a German biergarten at first. I must need a drink! On closer inspection, it looks like a mine shaft. Could it be some sort of mining museum?
I'm not sure I've ever gallivanted. Does it take much in the way of equipment?
Disney's latest ride - Get Shafted!
... no?
Wow, I would have no idea where this is!--but I hope you're having fun! :)
amusement ride somewhere.
I know my guess is on the other side of the country from you but I know you travel well.
my guess - Disney World Orlando FL.
I'm guessing it's Disney, too - the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, perhaps?
Arr, matey, ye be right! It was Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland. Thanks, all, for playing.
We rode it a gazillion times and had a wonderful visit.
petrichoric - we've actually been to a mining museum in northern California - very fun!
Barry - all you need is a toothbrush for gallivanting. Because dental hygiene is important, even for pirates.
PhD - hmm...do I sense you do not feel the magic?
Miss H- thanks! Have you and Iwanski never visited there? Much fun!
lisleman - I've not taken the kids to DWD yet. One day.
Mrs. Chili - you get the gold star!
Enjoy the gallivanting! Pirates is a family fave. We are doing nothing but the beach, the bookstore and kickin' it this vacay. Hooray for Spring Break! (Even if I have to work week 2...) Have fun, my friend!
Space Mountain?
It's a Small World?
Tea Cup ride?
Jungle Cruise?
Oh, I never win at these things ;)
We had a grand time with you and yours.
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