Sunday, July 11, 2010


So there we are in Ikea, after a satisfying dinner of 100 meatballs, mashed taters and lingonberries, when we decide to buy some stuff in the food department. And what does my husband get but a bag of this coffee. Our son read the name and could not stop laughing. Our daughter read it and cracked up. My husband was aghast that she found it amusing at her tender young age.

I asked her "Sweetie, why is that so funny?"

She said, "Mom! It's like that alien guy Robin Williams played! You know, Mork from Ork? Only it's Morkrost, like he's been ground into coffee beans and roasted!"

I am very confident that is NOT why our son was laughing.

I am also not entirely sure that she wasn't laughing for another reason too.


Mrs. Chili said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I love IKEA, and the funky names they give their products is one of the reasons why.

This is a great story...

Bill Lisleman said...

I think your suspicions are correct.
A niece's young daughter commented at the zoo that the gorilla was playing with his banana.

If we could figure out the whales and dolphins language we would find them saying the same type of things about us.

Stu said...

I sometimes get those in the morning...

Fantastic Forrest said...

Thanks, Stu. I can always count on you to keep it classy. ;-)

stephanie said...

My God, who the hell would marry someone like Stu?


Fantastic Forrest said...

Actually, darling, I can think of several women who would be happy to marry him. Not to make you paranoid or anything, but you have a winner there. :-)

Miss Healthypants said...

LOL! :) Oh, the joys of parenting... :)