Saturday, December 5, 2009

Keeping to My Own Schedule're probably wondering about the NaNoWriMo thing, right?
Did I finish my novel? Did I come close?
Thanks to my efforts, I have earned this badge created by The Deep Friar.

We will not speak of this again, okay?

I think I'll create my own NaNoWriMo time frame. I'll let you know how that goes. First, I have to do a bunch of stuff as treasurer of the high school theatre booster club, and chauffeur my children to their fun educational activities, and clean this house.


Kathy Amen said...

I had also wondered about this, but was selfishly glad to see the return of frequent blog posts. Did not see HOW novel could be written with all the kids' activities you are involved in. And you certainly don't want to slight those--they'll be over and gone before you know it, I know from personal experience.

Fantastic Forrest said...

Kathy, you are too sweet. Thank you for writing this. You are a real pal.

Maureen said...

I'm glad someone else besides me did not even make it close to finishing. I've seen enough blogs with "winner" badges on them. I did start, and got about a page and a half. But when you're busy and have a real, actual life to lead, it's hard!

lisahgolden said...

I may it, but I really did have to set everything else aside. The truth is with kids, a full time job, a long commute and a house that won't clean itself, I still need to win the lottery to finish the damn novel.

Mandy said...

Dearest Forrest, I think that NaNoWriMo can and does work for some people but for someone with such a rich and eventful life such as yours, it might be near impossible. So continually writing over 1000 words a day for 30 days didn't work for you? Maybe a structured but less hectic pace might be what is best. Personally, I think people should know what they are writing on any given day and I believe there should be breaks (like weekends) as well as mini-goals and rewards.

You will do it! Just maybe not in this crazy, hectic, pressured, away-from-family-and-children-for-30-days manner!

secret agent woman said...

Ha ha! Embrace your inner-nonparticpant!

Bee said...

Can I be part of the "keeping to my own schedule" group? I'm happy if I can blog once a week.