Gratuitous Britney photo here to illustrate that some things are just too darned tawdry for words ------------------------------------------------------>
(but that has never stopped me from writing about them anyway)
Yes, I shared my innermost thoughts about the recent scandal involving Portland's Mayor Sam Adams and a young man named - I am NOT making this up, non-US followers - Beau Breedlove. And I included a very witty song snippet composed by a local radio station. Want to read it/hear it? Go here.
There. Now you know about my secret place, where I go when one post a day isn't enough. When my big mouth just can't stay shut. But THIS is my favorite place. It is all mine. I heart my blog. And I heart my followers! And those are NOT inappropriate friendships. I would like to go on record that I have never, ever, had sex with any of my followers. As of this morning, anyway.
Geez, that picture of Britney is leading me to think very uncharacteristically slutty. Must get back on track.
So now, I just want to give a shout out to my newest, marvelous followers. Because their blogs are awesome. I already mentioned Emm and Liberal Mom yesterday, so they don't get a second mention here because that would be overdoing it.
I am super excited because my bloggy empire has expanded to ASIA. Writer Khaye-Mydette Sy Cardenas at Melting Chocolate is from the Phillipines. I really enjoy her thought-provoking posts about writing. David King from Surrey, UK is in BIG TROUBLE with me. Getting caught up on his fascinating posts about Pics and Poems has made the laundry and dishes pile up around here. Seriously, each post is jam-packed with crunchy goodness. I lurv David King. Given our age difference, I am wondering if I was too hard on Sam Adams. Hmm. Moving on... An equally distracting blogger is The Grandpa. I lurv him too! Check out his exploration of a life working with words at The Word Mechanic. Ha! I'll bet your laundry will pile up thanks to these followers' offerings.
The mysterious Alexandre Fabbri has thus far only one post at Brasserie Alize. But I know a secret about him. I think he's been posting elsewhere too. I loved him then and I love him now. Truly, madly, deeply.
But we have not had sex.
I also want to acknowledge my non-blogging followers Beckett and desertgirl. I strongly suspect who you are.....and I totally love you for following me. And bushtool? I know you're there. And I really appreciate it. And I think your blog, which for some reason you don't list on your profile, is fantastic. But I won't "out" you.
Which reminds me of the Sam Adams thing.....
Lord, my mind works in annoyingly circular ways.
Have a great weekend, friends. See you Monday!